The Gibson Brothers is a legendary and world-famous group. Born in Martinique, the brothers move to Paris to try out their talents and kick-start their career.
« Come to America » the group’s first single recorded in Paris on 1976, quickly became a Europe-wide hit, topping the charts in France and Italy. The following year saw the release of « Non Stop Dance », another hit single that stayed at the top of European charts for months and sold over a million copies. The Gibson Brothers then embarked on their first worldwide tour, while their new single, « Heaven » was being released in the US. A few months later, on 1980, « Cuba » gave the Gibson Brothers their first worldwide hit. The song was phenomenally successful, earning fourteen gold discs, becoming the top-selling record in sixteen countries and making it to number 9 on the Billboard chart in the States with sales of over five million!
The Gibson Brothers made history as the first French group ever to top both the UK and the US charts. A performance way beyond spectacular, when you realize that his song is still firmly anchored in the imaginations, memories and hearts of thousands of fans